I am certain I will spend the rest of my days wondering if I have sufficiently been able to thank people for their love, kindness, generosity and support the last 20 months. There isn't a way to effectively put to words all that it has meant to me and my family. I suppose it's not a bad thing wonder about. Our lives would be very different without having received these gifts.

We got some VERY GOOD news on Monday this week. I had my 3 month blood levels taken. The most sensitive marker for cancer activity is called Chromogranin A. The last test taken it was at 60 which is very high. This time it was at 35. Still very high but moving in the right direction. Even my Oncologist was very interested in what the new protocol I am using is doing. When this all started my chromogranin A was at 120. Off the charts. It keeps coming down. In May I stopped using the peptides and in June started using a product called Protocel. It has a fascinating history behind it much like Burzynski's peptides. There are 4 great chapters on Protocel, formally called Cancel, in a book named How to Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Pierce. We are keeping our fingers crossed and saying our prayers.

On Sept 11th we are hosting a Gold Rush B-Bque at our house starting at noon. Kids are welcome and they will have games such as panning for gold. We are collecting that old gold laying around in your jewelry box, not being worn and having it melted down. Proceeds will go into the medical fund. Please join us with or without gold.

A follow up on my last post about Freedom. Her handler Jeff Guidry has published a book that is now on the shelves called An Eagle Named Freedom. It is a beautiful story with a happy ending. I understand Costco is carrying it. I was so pleased to hear it. I hope it is hugely successful.

We had a bit of a bump in the road last week. Jeff lost his job. He was working in the building supply industry for the last 4 years and we all know how well that market has faired. We of course are hoping it means a better opportunity is out there waiting to appear. For now we are going to enjoy spending more time together.

Cole starts school (kindergarden) on Monday and we are all excited about that. He got into the Spanish Immersion school which teachs only in Spanish. We are thrilled. We met his teacher on Weds night and got to see him sitting at his little desk with all the other 5 year olds. Adorable.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer. Ours has been very busy and I am looking forward to fall. My favorite time of year.

My Love,