9:12 PM -
Posted by For The Love of Mary -
If you read yesterday's blog and are now reading this one you have effectively gotten on the roller coaster with us and it is headed down. I used to really like roller coasters.
The Chromogranin A came back today and it was elevated to 100. It was 35 and normal. It is no longer normal and almost three times what it was.
We have no idea what, if anything, is affecting the numbers. It is certainly the big question I wish we had an answer for. I will stay the course for at least nine more months and keep looking and researching.
Needless to say we are disappointed. The nice thing about feelings is they change and sometimes VERY quickly. Tonight is better than earlier today and tomorrow will be even better. I am glad to be of the 'fighting Irish descent'.
I do appreciate hearing from so many of you and especially liked how many of you did the 'happy dance'. Your texts and emails have made me smile through the day. Just wish I had pictures of you all doing it!
We got a(singular) taker for the free child. It happens to be my first cousin & his wife. Bless you both. I suppose it's only right for the reign of terror to stay in the family. Please notice the Aunt & Uncle who bought the semiautomatic weapon did NOT offer to take the free child.
Thanks for your love and prayers. Keep them coming.
Many blessings,
7:17 AM -
Posted by For The Love of Mary -
It would probably be in my best interest if I were cautiously optimistic. Cautious isn't really my nature however so I am just flat excited. I had blood work done last week and got two of the results yesterday. My seratonin & histamine have BOTH come down almost 400 points. I know that doesn't mean much to most of you but trust me it is good news. They have never been headed down together at the same time and they have never dropped 400 points. The histamine has less than 200 points to drop to be in the normal range. The seratonin has to drop more than 500 to be within normal range.
I also found out yesterday that my cromogranin A, the most accurate marker for tumor growth, was within normal range last time. I somehow misunderstood the doc last time and thought it was still high. IT WASN"T. No wonder he was so dang curious about what I am doing to beat this damned disease. I haven't gotten the results back from the cromogranin A yet. They should be in later in the week. I will post the results.
My treatment regimen consists of Protocel, steaming and Nuerofeedback. I take Protocel four times a day. It is being "called" a dietary supplement but was developed to cure cancer. I am steaming two hours a day and going for Nuerofeedback twice a week. Nuerofeedback is much like biofeedback except it is on the brain. The idea is to reset the brain waves to their "factory settings" where the body functions at optimal levels. I believe these three things are what have brought my levels done.
We are doing the "Happy Dance" at our house. Want to come do it with us? You could. Really! The fund raising committee is having one more event this year and it is The Safari Party. Named such because an African Photo Safari is being given away as a door prize. NO KIDDING. If you haven't gotten any info and would like some let me know by posting a comment here, on my facebook account or via email and I will make sure you get it. We will be doing the "Happy Dance" there to!
On the home front Cole turned six last week and we celebrated by having 17 kids, for a party, at the house. Yes we have lost our minds! He had a blast. Well, until the next day that is. He stayed up to late with his cousins and Aunts and was in RARE form by Sunday evening. About 5 pm we sent his friends home because he was in a foul mood and crabbing at them. At 6 pm we sent him to his room because he shoved his dinner plate away saying "I'm not eating that". We then put a sign in the front yard that said child for sale. When he stormed out of his room a few minutes later and announced demandingly he was hungry we crossed out for sale and put FREE!
Cole's Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Pat somehow saw it necessary to buy Cole a Nerf gun that easily could pass for an automatic weapon. It holds six D batteries and came with five ammunition clips just to give you some idea of the power it packs. You have to go in another room to talk on the phone when it is blasting away because you can't hear. I told my Aunt Bonnie about the gift and she said "Well that was nice of them. You can thank them by buying them a puppy. Get them a terrier." Don't you think that is a fabulous idea? Aunt Bonnie is all Blackburn and I LOVE HER.
Jeff is still out of work and we are both enjoying him being around all the time. Reality will happen soon enough. He is looking for work in his spare time. ;)
The Ibach house sends their best to you all for a peaceful holiday season. Yep it's coming!
My love,