I made it, 38 hrs later I am here. I have been here for 24 hrs and have a few first impressions. The sun never stops shinning here. It was 98 degrees when I arrived here yesterday. Coming from the rain it is a welcome change. One of the first things I noticed is 99.5% of the women have long hair and few of them go gray even in later years. Then on the plane from Mumbai to Hyderabad NO one spoke until the plane was about to land. I have never been on a plane that quiet and it was full. The ride into the clinic was a delight of sight, sound and smells. There really are cows walking down the center of busy paved streets and people herding sheep across their major highways. Everyone stops and lets them pass. They honk at one another constantly but don't at the animals. Maybe they know it won't work. They have many wondering dogs, much like Mexico, that no one is caring for.

There are 9 of us at the clinic now. It holds 26. It is their slow season due to the heat. On Sunday there will be 3 of us left. A week from Sun there will be 2 of us. If no one comes after that I will be there only patient. I should get some GOOOD looking after don't you think. Since there are so few of us here the Raju Family is cooking for us instead of the regular cooks. To my benefit I understand, as the food is usually bland. It is quite good, thank goodness. You know how I like good food.

I met the Dr. this am. Nothing in my realm of experience with doctors was like this. He asked me what the doctors told me. Read my large medical file, took my pulse and said they will give a packet of herbs but "you take nothing without checking with me first. Take Smithi (an herb) 6 times a day, drink hot water for your cough and most importantly you must be brave." That got me to smile and I said to him "I am nothing if not brave. That one I have covered." He smiled for the first time and said "good, good, most important part." He than said they will come and get you for your first treatment and that was that.

I did have my first round of treatments today and it was a series of the most wonderful messages, oils, buttermilk, head rubs, poundings, water pourings and hot oils. That goes on 7 days a week. My smirthi was just delivered. The herb the doc has recommended I take 6 times a day. It has honey in it so it can't taste that bad. We will see at 3:30 this morning, or 3:00 pm your time.

I have talked to Jeff and Cole on Skype and FaceTime and they seem so close. Before I left town we had a slew of visitors and on Monday Cole asked me if he could talk to me in his room. He proceeded to ask me if I could have them all go home and just have family time. I told him we were going to have all day on Tues together and he didn't have to go to school. He seemed ok with that. He went to TaeKwonDo, earning his second stripe on his yellow belt, came home and Deborah Juarez was visiting. She had been there shortly before he left for TaeKwonDo. He went to his room got his semi-automatic nerf gun, came into the hallway and shot Deborah directly in the head! I guess he wasn't satisfied with we will have family time tomorrow. She turned her head away as to not laugh and handled it with the grace that only Deborah could. It helps that she has raised 4 children of her own and adores kids. Kids will always let you know what is going on if given an opportunity. My little Assasin. Naturally he claims he wasn't aiming at her....

Angie is coming on June 17th and Jeff on July 11th. They will be welcome sights.

My love to all,