“…they found a cancerous tumor…called a Carcinoid tumor….”
“Obviously something isn’t working right in my body to have 2 different kinds of cancer.”
“I don't think I can adequately describe how this feels.”
“I want to snuggle with my son and sit next to my husband on the couch.”
“You can of course pray till your blue, for all of us.”

Good Morning everyone,

Jeff and I left for Utah on Monday morning, got there, turned around and came home the same day. The Gynecologist (Pat Morell) that removed my Ovaries called with the pathology report and it wasn't good. Much to our SURPRISE they found a cancerous tumor in my ovary and cancerous tissue in the fallopian tube. The doctors are also shocked. It is not Ovarian cancer, which is VERY good thing and it isn't breast cancer. It is called a Carcinoid tumor, which originates from some place else in my body, meaning it has metastasized, which of course is the bad news. They suspect that it is from the appendix or the small intestine. It is a GI tract cancer that you seldom, if ever, hear about. There are only 3 Docs in the country doing research on it.

Yesterday I went in to get some blood work done. I will collect urine for 24 hrs. They are doing further testing on the tumor they have. For now that is all they can do until the swelling in my abdomen has gone down. On the 29th of this month the testing process will start all over again. As of today I know they will do an MRI, Octreotide Scan (sophisticated radioactive dye test) and an ultra sound.

The CT scan that was done in Jan showed 2 spots on my liver that they weren't worried about. The Liver is the spot this kind of cancer metastases to first, most often. Nothing else showed so they are on a search for the original tumor. When they find the place of origin they will operate, yet again, to remove as much as they can.

Obviously something isn’t working right in my body to have 2 different kinds of cancer. The docs consider all (3) the breast cancers I had as 1 kind of cancer now. I plan on finding out what the common denominators are and fixing them.

I don't think I can adequately describe how this feels. The wind was taken out of our sails, sucker punched, our bubble was burst and on and on I could go. I am certain I haven't cried this much since my father died 26 years ago. I am scared, sickened and feel beat to a bloody pulp. I'm sure you get the picture. In light of that, I know you are all going to want to know what you can do for us. Mostly I have no idea. What I want most immediately is quiet time alone with my family. I want to snuggle with my son and sit next to my husband on the couch. I want to stare off into space, say and do nothing. I want to sleep. I am going to ask that people not call or come by for a couple of weeks. I can't handle anything more than this right now. We need time to regroup and shore up our resources. You can of course pray till your blue, for all of us. Jeff or I will contact you when I come out of hibernation. I do plan on going back to work next week. I am healing fine from the Oopherectomy.

Jeff and I will go on our trip to Africa as planned the end of May. I am looking very forward to it and will postpone surgery if necessary.

My love to you all,

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