Much more rested and comfortable this evening compared to earlier today and the evening before. Mary was pulled off of food and was back to eating ice when she/we finally got the break we were rooting for (one step back two steps forward).
Goal #2 from yesterday was achieved!!! It helped relieve most of the discomfort that kept her awake and also helped slow her heart a bit. Long afternoon naps and quiet time was exactly what the Dr. ordered today. In between Mary did another 6-8 laps.... Goal for Wednesday 10 laps, estimated departure day from hospital hopefully will be Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.
Scheduled for University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital from June 10th-19th in Houston, Texas @ MD Anderson where they will run tests all week (no surgery scheduled, only tests).
We discussed flying away to sun and a sandy beach hopefully in early July prior to the next procedure.
Thanks for all the emails and well wishes.